Our God is a Loving God.
He does what is best for us. He knows it is through His word that we live out our lives. We worship and give Him thanks. We respect all that he has given us, forevermore.
Yet tomorrow, several American citizens will be choosing between two candidates who do not follow His word. They despise Him. He has let them carry on their infantile existences to show us which way not to go. He uses them as examples, much as He has used "dinosaur" bones to test our faith, and putting Our oil in the middle east to test our will.
B. Hussein and Bill's wife are Adam's second chance to turn away from the snake.
The Pennsylvania polls have been fluctuating between B. Hussein and Bill's wife, yet God has not stepped in with His divine intervention, yet, and crowned Future-President McCain the throne which is rightfully His. For this, we respectfully question Our Lord. Why? Why do You allow democrats to commit infanticide? Why do you allow them to undermine Our Troops, who brilliantly do Your work here on Earth?
Let us pray that B. Hussein or Bill's wife makes it to office. Please GOD!
The Freedom Brothers pray each and every night that you regret your words, because by saying what you said, which I will not repeat, you are actually, perhaps accidentally, praying for an Iranian Revolutionary Guard hellfire missile to the face.
Is this what you want, Caroline?
The Freedom Brothers invite you to reflect on your words in the darkness of your, we can only imagine, public housing project.
Yours in Freedom,
Freedom Eagle
Ahahaha your prayers did nothing. You lose.
i serve 4 years in the us army(101st air born) and i love my country. i like your web site. thanks you.
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