Thursday, March 6, 2008

Murtha Is Anti-American

John Murtha, the scum bucket of the House of Representatives has recently cut a back-room deal to get out of testifying in a case against Marines defending our freedom in Iraq.

Lt. Col. Jeffrey R. Chessani, an American hero and the highest-ranking U.S. Serviceman to face a phony combat-related court-martial since the Liberation of South Vietnam, has been falsely charged with dereliction of duty and violation of lawful order on allegations that he mishandled the aftermath of a supposed shooting incident in Haditha, Iraq.

The Freedom Brothers are pissed.

American Hero Michael Savage has raised money for this American Hero, and eight other Marines who were falsely accused. He should be commended for that.

Murtha, a treasonous felon who admittedly aided and abetted the Viet Cong during his doped-up years fleeing combat in a Saigon whorehouse, consistently missing duty, has lied and said these Heroes killed in cold blood

Murtha had originally been called on to testify in the case so he could be exposed as the traitor, liar, and vicious Code Pinker he is. However, a liberal judge recently ruled that the Pennsylvania dirt bag may not be forced to testify.

Murtha's spokesman and fellow America hater, Matthew Mazonkey, said the congressman had no comment. Murtha's office did not return the Freedom Brothers' phone calls.

We'd refer to Murtha as a coward, but we don't want to insult the French military.

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